Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Biloxi Trip

Well, its been another fun trip to Biloxi thus far! I have played more cash game hours than tournament hours unfortunately to no success in the $350 $300k guarantee. However, I have lots of success in the cash games here. I have only played the 5/5 PLO games and have been very fortunate in the games I have played. We have had a little time for some fun. A few of us went to the IP tonight to watch a half of the BCS National Championship joke of a game.

The first night here, Thursday night, we started the trip off with a bang. I got settled into the room and then made way to poker room and put my name on a few lists. But all the lists were ridiculously long. I eventually got a text telling me my seat was available for the 5/5 PLO game. Well, I got in the game and it started off really slow as the game was real nitty. I ended up going to Jia with John Dolan and David Nicholson, and we got some hibachi. When I returned to my seat from dinner, the action had picked up in the game. I ended up running really well in the important spots all night. Made quit a few nutted hands with redraws and picked off the guy dumping money in the game. I ended up quiting around 3am up just over $4000 and headed to the room for bed. Our room was crowded with my buddies Willie, Sterling, and David. We had two doubles, an air mattress, and a pull away. David bought everyone ear plugs and I had nassal strips for my snoring. We passed out only to wake up early to beat the line for registration the tournament.

Day two was the $350 tournament. We got up a little early to register since the line was supposedly really long the previous year. We ended up registering and then ended up heading to Snacks, a sandwich shop, to get some food. Finally, I went back upstairs and took my seat in the tourney. I had a pretty good table draw and ended up playing a few games of chess with one of my opponents sitting next to me on his ipad. The tournament didn't go well and I busted fairly quickly. I played one interesting hand worth talking about... I looked down at AA in middle position with 7k stack and raised to 650 at 25 100/200 after an early limper. I received a call from the guy on my left and the limper. The flop came out K74 rainbow. I led out 875 after checked to me, and the guy on my left took little time to call me as the other guy folded. The turn was another 4, which I thought was a great card, and I bet 1750 and recieved another call. The river came another 4, which convinced me I had the nuts, and I decided to shove all in hoping any king would call me. The guy tanked for a few minutes, and then started a speach saying I trapped you and let you hit runner runner for your king to be good. Then, he folded and tabled pockets sevens for the best hand, third nuts behind quad 4s and kings full. Everyone at the table immediately started berating him as my jaw dropped and couldn't find the right thing to say. I think he eventually figured out he misread the board, but he played it off like he put me on kings full. lol Anyways, that was pretty absurd and fun. After I busted, I headed downstairs for the cash games. Line was ridiculous long, but I put my name on the list and got called 2 hours later. I had another great session in the PLO game as picked off another guy just giving his money away. I actually conteplated between staying up all night and skipping the second flight of the tournament to crush the cash game. But, I decided to go to bed around 5am up around another $4000 dollars.

I wake up later on Saturday and had David register me for the tournament. I ended up being the 81st alternate and waited over an hour and a half to get in the tournament. Unlike the first day, I built a stack real quickly and went from 10k to 45k in the first 3 hours before running into a big cooler with KK<AJ on a AKJ flop and an ace on the river. I grinded the short stack for a bit and then busted and made my way to the cash games yet again. The lists weren't as long as the previous day, and it went a lot quicker as I watched the NFL playoff games on the TVs. I ended up putting in another long session and bounced in and out of the multiple 5/5 PLO games. I ended up struggling all day and night, but played pretty well. I ran pretty awful making up for the first two nights, but I only lost a couple hundred and went to bed around 4am.

Sunday, I slept in for a good bit and laid in bed all early afternoon watching the two NFL playoff games. After the second game, I went downstairs to check out the cash game action and my friends still left in the $300k guarantee. I wasn't to eager to play poker, so I ended just bsing with David and Josh Mancuso. We sweated the tournament a little bit and the bigger mix game going with a few of our other buddies playing. But, we ended up deciding to go see a movie as the movie was about to start. So we left at 10:14 to see a 10:15 movie at a movie theater 10 minutes away. We got there and got our tickets for Jack Reacher and got some popcorn and drinks and enjoyed the movie. I thought it was pretty good and recommend it! After the movie, we went back to the Beau and sweat a few of our friends that were left in the tournament. We ended up getting bored and decided to get a bunch of us to play a $100 SNG. We made it a drunk and go as we all sat down and ordered a lot of drinks and shots. I donated $120 to my friends as I was the first one to bust. I had fun and drinks while they finished the drunk and go. Afterwards, we headed downstairs to jump in a 1/3 nlh game. We slowly all got on a table and we had a lot of fun short buying for $100 and getting it allin without looking and screwing around. We had lots of drinks and were by far the loudest table in there. We ended up quting prolly around 5am after we kept getting in trouble for being to loud. Everyone sort of did their own thing and went to bed, while my buddy Tim and myself joined a 5/5 PLO game. We played it for a while and ended up winnig another $1500 or so before crawling into bed around 10am.

Today, Monday, I slpet in til about 5pm before getting up and figuring out what everyone was up to. We made plans to go to the IP to watching the Bama/ND game at 6:30pm. But, David and myself were extremely hungry, so I grabbed my buddy Sterling from the cash and the three of us went to Chilis to get some food even though we were craving Bonefish. We just didn't have enough time to make it there and back to be at IP on time. We ended up stuffing our faces and gambling for the bill. David was so kind to lose and pick up the check. We rushed over to the IP and got our table at the Highlights Bar. We ended up getting bucket after bucket of Stella throughout the game, or should I say first half. That wasn't much of a game! We decided to gamble for the bill again and head to the Hard Rock to get a new scenary. David once again decided to lose CCR and pick up the check. We made it over to the Hard Rock and watched the remainder of the game as a few of us played craps. I was unfortunately not partaking the degenning as they went on a heater in craps. We ended up getting really bored over there quickly and decided to head back to the Beau to play another drunk and go. This drunk and go went a lot better for me. I ended up playing long enough to chop it at the end with two of my buddies after we decided we were ready to quit. Everyone ended up doing their own thing as a few went home and others went to degen in the pit. I tried to go play PLO but list was very long and I decided to watch Sterling grind some Bovada online in our room and got me to start writing this. Now, I am heading to bed! We have one more day here in Biloxi before we leave Wednesday morning for Choctaw. But it had been another great winning trip!

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